Our Governance

Democratic, Grassroots Activism.

Nothing about us, without us!

Quick Facts

Founded by Judy Heumann

"Nothing about us, without us!"

One-Step Campaign began in 1991

If you wish to help in donations, why not click here to donate now.

Our Objectives

Rise above all, to be on equal ground

We strive to raise consciousness among people with or without disabilities concerning ableism, paternalism and derogatory attitudes, as well as laws and customs that oppress disabled individuals in American society.

We educate government officials, community leaders, administrators of established institutions and the general public about disability rights. We leverage the press to cover our activities and issues and we also publish our own newspaper, "The DIA Activist." Our members testify at public hearings, participate in public forums, speak at conferences and connect with legislators, community groups, and governmental agencies.

We are activists who plan and participate in public demonstrations. We are advocates who initiate and join lawsuits to enforce existing legislation and we are community organizers who work to guarantee equal access to employment, public services, accommodations, transportation, and all aspects of life.

A Truly Democratic Organization

Membership in DIA is open to all who share our goals. Members are entitled to vote, run for office, receive our literature, and join committees. DIA’s general membership is the primary governing body of the organization. All decisions made by the board of directors and officers are subject to the approval of the members.

DIA’s democratic, grassroots philosophy allows ideas, issues and energy to bubble-up from our members. This is one of the many reasons Disabled In Acton of Metropolitan New York has been an effective and enduring actor in disability rights.

The general membership of DIA elects officers and board members annually. Officers are automatically members of the board of directors. The board oversees the affairs of DIA but they are also leaders in the fight for disability rights.

DIA’s bylaws layout and explain how we are organized. They outline our democratic, bottom up structure and list the roles and responsibilities of the officers. The bylaws can be amended with the consent of the general membership.

Committees are a way to share the workload. DIA’s committee structure allows like minded members with similar interests to come together and tackle issues. Committees are teams of members who focus their efforts on a defined set of goals and objectives.

donations help provide

equality for all, we strive for that

All donations are used to help with the support of our cause and bettering the needs of all that need it. We take donations from as small as $1 to $75. Or you can join our membership program as well.